"We are the Jones Family...Pat & Ron, & our daughter Jamie. PJ's Home & Heart Kennel  has been a life long dream of Pat's. With the support of a loving husband and daughter it became a reality in 1994. It has remained a family operation. Although Ron is employed full time as a Kaizan Coordinator at a major manufacturing facility, he is Pat's partner in every sense of the word and is what keeps kennel operations running smoothly. 
Growing up our daughter Jamie worked at the kennel every day. She is now a college instructor of marketing, but has remained an intricate part of the business. She is employed as our marketing consultant and is instrumental in the business operations of our kennel.  
PJ’s Home and Heart Kennel provides quality, purebred, AKC (American Kennel Club) puppies to its customers. We specialize in two specific AKC breeds: Giant Schnauzers & Oorang Airedales. We have raised 3 & 4 generations of each of these wonderful breeds with great success.

Our puppies are raised with great attention to their health and well being. They are handled, loved & nurtured from the moment they are born. Instilling confidence, basic manners, & appropriate behaviors are all part of our daily routine. All of our dogs are on a nutrition plan through Eagle Pack Super Premium Dog Food,  which the puppies are weaned to. We attribute the health of our dogs and puppies largely to this  excellent feeding program. Our puppies are on a strict worming & vaccination schedule, groomed regularly, started on housebreaking, & socialized. Most importantly they are loved. 

The kennel competes in the very competitive puppy market based on quality. It would be impossible for a quality kennel such as ours to compete based on price. When a breeding kennel is operated properly, with great attention given to nutrition, health, environment, quality bloodlines, overall well being of the dogs, and the many other aspects that are necessary to produce healthy, quality pups, it is quite costly. You must also figure in the cost of offering a valid health guarantee, as well as the time involved in screening prospective customers, assisting with selection of the puppies and continued service after the sale. All of these factors considered, the overhead at PJ’s Home and Heart Kennel is extremely high, especially when compared to the quite moderate expenses incurred by the many back yard breeders and puppy mills. An inferior breeding operation can be operated very inexpensively, but not a quality operation. Today’s market is comprised of more than 70% back yard breeders and puppy mills. In order to compete in this sales market based on price, PJ’s Home and Heart Kennel would not even be able to meet our expenses. The clientele that we are interested in attracting are happy to pay a higher price to purchase a quality pup from a quality breeder. The customers who are just looking at the bottom line dollar figure tend to do so because they are not viewing this purchase with the significance deserved. We at PJ’s Kennel cater to the customers who see the puppy purchased from us as a major decision as it will become a part of their family. These customers will pay more for a healthy pup that they have been educated about and are confident is the right addition to their family. We stand behind our pups and are available to help with any problems to make sure that adding your new family member is the positive experience that it should be. If there is a problem that we do not have the answer for, we refer our customers to our nutritionist, veterinarian, or trainer. We encourage our families to contact us with any issues and find that there is usually a simple solution. We are always grateful for the opportunity to help.

We believe that the people who consider their pet as a vital family member, do not shop for price. Although AKC puppies of the same breeds that we offer can often be found in the local newspaper for a lower cost than ours, we generally have a waiting list for our pups. Our reputation for quality puppies and quality service is the reason why. It is important to us at PJ’s Kennel to take the time to get to know prospective customers so we can insure a good match when placing a puppy. The customer has an opportunity to inquire about the pups and all pertinent information pertaining to them is conveyed.  Although the customers interview us about our puppies, we also evaluate the prospective customer as to their suitability for purchasing one of our precious pups. The quality of the family is not by any means based on its income but rather the type of  home they are willing to provide. Through this screening process, typically a rapport is developed and a mutual respect and level of confidence is developed between PJ’s Kennel and our prospective families. 

After the sale, we look to the future and the referrals that will be generated by a satisfied customer. More importantly, we want to be sure that we have made a good match between the customer and the puppy. Our genuine concern for both has proven to be one of our most beneficial personal practices and has given us our reputation as a true quality kennel operation.